Introduction to terminal

Terminal and nano text editor

Ubuntu terminal 

Ubuntu terminal is similar to command line which help to do code or to command as user or administrator. There are many terminal command in Ubuntu here are some example given below which will help to access terminal easily.

Cat : It is generally used to concatenate the files. It gives the output on the standard output.

Mkdir : Used to create a directory if not already exist. It accepts directory name as input parameter.

Cp : This command will copy the files and directories from source path to destination path.

mv : Rename or move file or directories 

ls  : List of folder or directories 

ls -R : display folder and sub folder

cd : (filename) change directory

rmdir : delete directories

touch: create new file such as text or pdf

rm : remove file

cd : return to home

cd .. :  return to previous directories

pwd : out put the path of the directories

clear : clear all the screen content

man: describe  a command meaning

help : see a list of all integrated

history : remind our type history

exit : close  the terminal

info : manual pages

kill terminate processes manually

what is : command line a keyword search

tree : list directories in the tree

grep : used to search for a text in the file

zip : used to compress files

unzip : used to decompress a .zip file

history :display the list of all command since started the session

df :shows the amount disk used and free space and files name and path 

du :shows the amount disk used 

file :out put file type

ln : create a short cut to a file

rename :  rename files

uniq :  clean shorted file from duplicate lines

who : detailed information on registered users

passwd : change user password

echo : use to display reflected

ifconfig : show network details and ip address

reboot : restart the system

shutdown : shutdown the system

su : (user name) : change user

users : display users information 

id : display user id

watch free -h   - display free space in the system

date : system time

more:  display text files in the terminal

adduser : create user account

sudo :  administrator rights

free : retrieve  memory usage

uptime :  retrieve  system run time

tail  : display last 10 lines 

headdisplay first 10 lines 

less : display text files in the terminal

more :display text file smaller range of functions

who show who is logged on

whatis : display description about the code

NANO Text Editor 

GNU nano is a text editor for Unix-like computing systems or operating environments using a command line interface. It emulates the Pico text editor, part of the Pine email client, and also provides additional functionality.

ctrl+r :read a file into your current working file
ctrl+c : Display the position of the cursor
ctrl+k : cut text
ctrl+u: uncut text
ctrl+o : Write the current file to disk
ctrl+s :save file
ctrl+x :  exits the editor
ctrl+G :Display the help text or manual of the Nano

ctrl+delete : delete backward  

ctrl+J : Justify the current paragraph

ctrl+F : move forward one character 

ctrl+B : move back one character 

ctrl+V : move to the next page

Ctrl+A : move to the beginning of the line

ctrl+E : move to the end of the line

ctrl+Y : move to the previous page

ctrl+\ : replacing 

ctrl+/ : go to line 

ctrl+P : previous line 

ctrl+N : next line

ctrl+F : Right side 

ctrl+B :left side
alt+J :justify

alt+D :words, lines and character
alt+n :display the number of the line

alt+3 : enable comment or uncomment 
ctrl+shift+T: Terminal open
ctrl+F12 : Invoke the spell checker, if available

ctrl+F4 : Justify the current paragraph

Alt+Z : Suspension enable/disable


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